Paul Collins, Catholic writer


Between the Rock and a Hard Place.

Being Catholic Today (2004)
Judgment Day: The Struggle for Life on Earth by Paul Collins


Publisher: ABC Books
Pages: xi and 243
Price: Depends on availability
ISBN: 0-7333-1429-5
May be available from .



Reviews of Between the Rock and a Hard Place

“Paul Collins’s vivid paragraphs describing a religious experience in the Tasmanian wilderness are worthy of inclusion in a world anthology of religious writing ... Its personal note signals one of the best traits of Between the Rock and a Hard Place: without being egocentric, it tells how Collins himself learned to address the strains and challenges of being a Catholic in today’s world. This personal dimension, at times subterranean at other times overt, powers the book along, making it easy reading”

Edmund Campion in Online Catholics (16/6/04)