Judgment Day
The Struggle for Life on Earth (2010)
Publishers: UNSW Press (Sydney) and Orbis Books (Maryknoll, NY)
Pages: xii and 291
Price (paperback): A$34.95; US$22.00
ISBN: 978-1-74223-156-3 (Aust); 978-1-57075-920-8 (US)
Available in bookshops in North America and Australia or from .
Reviews of Judgment Day
"Theologian Paul Collins presents the political, economic, scientific, and spiritual aspects of the ecological crisis convincingly and brilliantly.”
Hans Küng
“... a courageous book. Paul Collins deploys his considerable skills as a historian, theologian, and journalist to convince the reader of the magnitude of the crisis now threatening the well-being of planet Earth. He is sober in his predictions about the future, but he is absolutely convinced that the crisis can only be dealt with through a new way of thinking.”
Sean McDonagh