Paul Collins, Catholic writer


Papal Power
A proposal for change in Catholicism’s third millennium (1997)
Judgment Day: The Struggle for Life on Earth by Paul Collins


Publishers: HarperCollins Religious (Sydney) HarperCollins Fount UK and Ireland)
Pages: xi and 228
Price: Various
ISBN: 1-8637-1678-5
Out of print but copies will be available from .


Reviews for Papal Power

“Paul Collins is an engaging writer. He has the skill of a journalist in presenting his material, a specialist expertise in history, and wide-ranging interest in matters of concern to our age. He is not afraid to tackle topics ... He writes as a committed person, and one who is deeply concerned about the issues he is discussing. The Catholic Church ‘really matters’; and he considers that its life and well-being are being damaged by what he calls ‘papalism’... One of the great strengths of the book is the author’s historical expertise, his extensive coverage of the history of the papacy, and the racy style with which he narrates events.”

John Wilcken SJ, Pacifica (October 1997)